Bishop proposes compulsory cadet for all SHS 1 students to instil discipline

The Bishop of Akatsi Diocese of the Catholic Church, Bishop Gabriel Kumodzi, has proposed that all newly admitted Form One students in all Senior High Schools should be given compulsory cadet training.

Giving his closing remarks at the 60th-anniversary celebration of the St Paul’s Senior High School (SPACO) on December 8, 2018, the Catholic Bishop said the compulsory cadet training will help instil discipline among students.

He explained that when students are being taken through the disciplines in the cadet, they will be able to grow to understand the essence of respecting authorities and obeying simple rules.

He said when the students get to the second year, they can be given the option to either continue being in the cadet or leave.

The Bishop was responding to issues pertaining to discipline in the school as outlined by the Headmaster of the school during his speech.

Bishop Gabriel Kumodzi indicated that when his suggested measures become paramount in all schools, it can reduce indiscipline in schools.

Threats to school leaders

Bishop Gabriel also cautioned the Ghana Education Service to desist from threatening heads of the schools without necessarily hearing their views on matters relating to their work.

He explained that working under pressure will yield no positive results.

Bishop Gabriel was quick to add that the exclusion of Religious and Moral Education (RME) subjects from the SHS curriculum was very unfortunate.

He indicated the exclusion of RME could affect the moral life of students and the role of the Church.


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