Ex-President Flt. Lt. J J Rawlings encourage the National Cadet Corps to be a shining star among the Youth

 Twelve member delegation made up of a section of Board Members, leadership of the National Cadet Corps and Members of the National Planning Committee of the Republic Day Parade on the 18th June called on the former president J J Rawlings in his office to official invite him to the republic day commemoration parade at the Black Star Square on Monday 1st July 2019

The chairperson for the national planning committee Madam Juliana Akporflie a director at the office of the Presidency, mentioned to the former president that as an advocate of the values on what our theme is for the period (Patriotism, Volunteerism, and Nationalism) it will be very important to respectfully invite him for the occasion as a Special Guest to join the Chief of Staff Office of the President.
ACP Mr. David S Eklu a board member and the representative of the Inspector General of Police mentioned that the Police Administration is keen in investing in the establishment and management of the police cadet corps in Ghana and this will help inculcate the spirit of discipline among the youth, will make the police more effective in our communities.

The EX-president stated that for government to take keen interest in the support and development of the youth like the interest the current government is doing for the Cadet in Ghana then that Government must be proactive in the youth sector. This is what any Government should invest in Scout Association , Girl Guide Association, Red Cross Etc. He mentioned that this some times Government find it a bit of a challenge to harmonize them into a formidable wing for development.
He urge the President to do more in this regard and to other youth groups. He mentioned that this groups are the symbol of patriotism and need to be supported for national development.

The ex-president reiterated that our Country as a whole believes in volunteerism, patriotism and nationalism and a way to develop the country and keep in touch with its citizenry is to invest in these the youth for progressive development. Further more he said more can be done for young people which will encourage them to build this country positively since leadership of these groups are very important and that any government must take very important to develop.

As a past cadet him self , he hope to be present to grace the occasion and share his experience with young people and look forward for other past cadets to be present.

The national coordinator general, Nicholas Nii Tettey-Amarteifio together with the general manager of Pmobile, Mr. Mantey, presented a souvenir of their product to the former President.

Amongst the delegation who called on the former president were Cadet Chief Staff Officer Derick Nii Korley Clottey, Mr. Emmanuel Dormeny GES and board member, Lawyer Mr. David Agorsor Ministry of Youth and Sports and a board member, Cadet Southern Sector Coordinator, Saeed Abdallah, Greater Accra regional coordinator Zaid K. O Mensah, Gideon Nii Sackey cadet Staff officer, ASP Gina In Charge of Police Cadet Corps and Mr Haruna State Protocol.

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