The Headquarters of the National Cadet Corps Ghana wish to formally inform you and your outfit that Mr Peter Dagadu also known as Commander Peter Dagadu has ceased to be with the National Cadet Corps Ghana Headquarters with effect from, 12th December 2018.
He is no more in charge of the National Cadet Corps Band activities and therefore any letter perpetuating from the National Cadet Corps
Band secretariat address and signed by him (Mr Peter Dagadu also known as Commander Peter Dagadu is fraudulent and must be disregarded.
He has stopped working with the Ministry of Education and as such his preserved office is out of the Ghana Literacy House-Accra and the Ministry of Education.
He is not a commissioned Military Officer of the Ghana Armed Forces and for that matter the attached rank is not recognized by the Ghana Armed Forces.
The Cadet Headquarters does not use the appointment of a Director Cadet Band and should be disregarded as such.
We are by this letter respectfully advising all relevant organizations, department and agencies both Local and International in their dealings with him and his team.
The National Cadet Corps Headquarters has no business with him and his team any more.