National cadet Coordinators Conference Ends in Tamale


The National Cadet Corps Ghana has held its annual coordinators conference in the Northern Regional Capital Tamale to review the 2017 activities and look at the activities for 2018 and how they could be achieved.

The meeting which started a 10:00am in the conference room of the Tamale Senior High School. The Headmaster of the Tamale SHS  represented the school. The Regional Director of Education welcomed all to the region wishing them well in  all their deliberation.

The regional coordinators and their representative presented their various regions and presented regional report and plans for the 2018.

The meeting ended at about 4:30pm with closing prayer said by Cdt. flying officer Nii Tettey-Onukpa

Seven (7) out of the ten (10) were present with Volta and Western region not present due to travelling challenges.

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