Annual Regional Cadet Camp Commences

The Regional Cadet Headquarters of the National Cadet Corps Ghana has started this year’s annual regional Cadet camp in the respective Regions.
The camp which focuses on building the Regional Cadet program and leadership skills among member cadets and institutions will take place as follows;

1. Volta Regional : 4th to 9th April, 2018
2. Central Region : 9th to 14th April, 2018
3. Western Region : 9th to 14th April, 2018
4. Eastern Region : 8th to 14th April, 2018
5. Greater Accra Region : 9th to 14th April, 2018

Students are advised to partake in the camp during the holidays where they will be taught how to make the right moral and ethical decisions that will promote nation building rather than indulging in deviant acts that will have adverse effects on their life as a whole.

The training will go a long way to transform the participants positively.

The national cadet corps is expected to visit this camp before it ends.

Arise Ghana youth for your Country.

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