Greater Accra Regional Cadet Camp Comes To A Close.

The Greater Accra Regional Cadet Headquarters started their regional Cadet Camp in Ada in the Greater Accra Regional from 9th to 13th April 2018.

The National Cadet coordinate General N.N. Tettey-Amarteifio who opened the camp encouraged the participants to learn hard and expect a positive transformation after the camp. He all so delivered a lecture on the overview of the National Cadet and how far the corps has come.

The Hon. Minister for Youth and sports Hon. Isaac Kwame Asiamah presented some footballs and three sets of Jerseys to support the camp during the inter-company sporting games. He encouraged the cadets to learn hard and know that the time spent at Camps like this are never in vain, the knowledge which is impacted into them will go a long way to shape their future and propel them to becoming responsible citizens of the nation in the near future.



The Ghana Air Force graced the occasion with their presence, arriving in three (3) helicopters to socialize with the participants and  to enlighten them on their operations.

National Cadet toured the traditional food cell where the two Staff officers from Headquarters Antonia And Boatimaa are leading the team to coordinate food for the participants


Shots from the camp

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