The Chief of Staff, Office of the President HON. AKOSUA FREMA OSEI–OPARE has been one key Government official who has been championing the youth to be patriotic and good citizens.

Over the years as she has occupied her office, she has taken a keen interest in the National Youth Developmental Programme without any political bias.

Every year she will motivate the National Cadet Corps to go ahead to commemorate the 1st July Republic Day.

In a speech read on her behalf by the Deputy Chief of Staff MR. EMMANUEL ADUMUA–BOSSMAN, government awards the following for their positive contributions towards the development of the youth in our educational institutions;

  1. The Best Master-In-Charge of cadet who encourages the students to be more disciplined and has set a good example for other teachers in the Region, Sector and at National level. Who does everything possible without financial hindrance to make the students in the Cadet Corps happy in achieving the target. He is the French and Geography Teacher at Fijai Senior High School in the Western Region: Mr. SAMUEL KWAMENA YAWSON.
  2. The Best Head of institution that have supported the Cadet Corps for the year under review and encouraged other Heads of Schools in the country to do same with little resource in shaping the youth to be more disciplined. He is the National President of Conference of Heads of Assisted Secondary School (CHASS) and Headmaster of Opoku Ware Senior High School in Ashanti Region: REVEREND FATHER STEPHEN OWUSU SEKYERE.
  1. The Best Regional Director of Education that supported the Cadet Corps in the Western North Region for the year under review, he will do everything possible to ensure the Cadet partake in Regional, Sector and National activities. He is now the Acting Deputy Director General for Education Management Services: Mr. STEPHEN KWAKU OWUSU.

The team will travel to the United Kingdom (UK) for an educational familiarization tour hosted by the Greater Manchester Police heading for ten (10) days before the end of August.

She also donated some amount of money to support the commemoration of the event.



Story By: Emmanuel Adjepong Buernortey